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INI File | 2004-06-28 | 6.9 KB | 290 lines |
- Description=Calculate amortization schedule
- ImageIndex=-1
- Folder=Mathematics
- ;<!-- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript from ISN Toolbox
- ; Copyright 1996, Infohiway, Inc. Restricted use is hereby
- ; granted (commercial and personal OK) so long as this code
- ; is not *directly* sold and the copyright notice is buried
- ; somewhere deep in your HTML document. A link to our site
- ; http://www.infohiway.com is always appreciated of course,
- ; but is absolutely and positively not necessary. ;-) -->
- ;<script language="JavaScript">
- ;<!--Hide JavaScript from Java-Impaired Browsers
- ;var num=0;
- ;var amt=0;
- ;var per=0;
- ;var months=0;
- ;var nls="";
- ;var rr="\r";
- ;var b=" ";
- ;var d="-----------------------------"
- ;+"----------------------------------";
- ;var s="$";
- ;function iA(){
- ; this.length=iA.arguments.length;
- ; for (var i=0;i<this.length;i++){
- ; this[i]=iA.arguments[i];
- ; }
- ; }
- ;var pwr=new iA(10);
- ;var dec=new iA(16);
- ;pwr[0]=1;
- ;for (var i=0;i<9;i++){
- ; pwr[i+1]=pwr[i]*10;
- ;}
- ;dec[0]=.1;
- ;dec[1]=.01;
- ;dec[2]=.001;
- ;dec[3]=.0001;
- ;dec[4]=.00001;
- ;dec[5]=.000001;
- ;dec[6]=.0000001;
- ;dec[7]=.00000001;
- ;dec[8]=.000000001;
- ;dec[9]=.0000000001;
- ;dec[10]=.00000000001;
- ;dec[11]=.000000000001;
- ;dec[12]=.0000000000001;
- ;dec[13]=.00000000000001;
- ;dec[14]=.000000000000001;
- ;dec[15]=.0000000000000001;
- ;
- ;var ns="01234567890";
- ;var cr="";
- ;var str="";
- ;
- ;function stn(){
- ; num=0;
- ; pos=str.indexOf(".");
- ; sfx="";
- ; if (pos>-1){
- ; sfx=str.substring(pos+1,str.length);
- ; str=str.substring(0,pos);
- ; }
- ; strl=str.length;
- ; for (var i=strl-1;i>-1;i--){
- ; cr=str.substring(i,i+1);
- ; pos=ns.indexOf(cr);
- ; num+=pos*pwr[strl-i-1];
- ; }
- ; if (sfx!=""&&sfx.length>dp){
- ; pos=ns.indexOf(sfx.charAt(dp+1));
- ; if (pos>4){
- ; pos=ns.indexOf(sfx.charAt(dp));
- ; sfx=sfx.substring(0,dp-1)+(pos+1);
- ; }
- ; }
- ; if (sfx!=""){
- ; for (var i=0;i<dp;i++){
- ; cr=sfx.substring(i,i+1);
- ; pos=ns.indexOf(cr);
- ; num+=pos*dec[i];
- ; }
- ;/* sfx="";
- ; sfx+=num;
- ; pos=sfx.indexOf(".");
- ; sfx=sfx.substring(pos+1,sfx.length);
- ; if (sfx.charAt(dp+1)=="9"){
- ; num+=dec[sfx.length-2];
- ; } */
- ; }
- ; }
- ;
- ;function testIt(form){
- ; str=document.isn.amt.value;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; bl=str.length+3;
- ; dp=2;
- ; stn();
- ; amt=num;
- ; str=document.isn.per.value;
- ; dp=4;
- ; stn();
- ; per=num;
- ; str=document.isn.months.value;
- ; dp=0;
- ; stn();
- ; months=num;
- ; if (months<1||months>999||per<.0001||per>99||amt<1||amt>pwr[9]){
- ; alrt();
- ; }
- ; else{
- ; computeForm();
- ; }
- ;}
- ;
- ;function computeForm(){
- ; ls="";
- ; isnnum=1;
- ; i=per/12/100;
- ; fpv=0;
- ; for (var j=0;j<months;j++)
- ; isnnum=isnnum*(1+i);
- ; tmp=(amt*isnnum*i)/(isnnum-1);
- ; fpv+=tmp;
- ; fcalc=((months*fpv)-amt);
- ;
- ; prtSched();
- ; }
- ;
- ;function prtSched(){
- ; fpv+=.01;
- ; str="";
- ; str+=fpv;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; dp=2;
- ; stn();
- ; fpv=num;
- ; pct=per/12/100;
- ; if (bl<14){
- ; bl=14;
- ; }
- ; ls="Amortization Schedule: "+document.isn.months.value
- ; +" months to repay "+s+document.isn.amt.value
- ; +" at "+document.isn.per.value+"%."+rr+d+rr
- ; +"Payment Payment Interest Principal Balance"
- ; +rr
- ; +"Number Amount Amount Reduction Due"
- ; +rr+d+rr;
- ; for (var j=0;j<months;j++){
- ; ntr=(amt*pct);
- ; str="";
- ; str+=ntr;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; ntr1=s+str;
- ; prp=fpv-ntr;
- ; if (prp>amt){
- ; prp=amt;
- ; }
- ; str="";
- ; str+=prp;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; prp1=s+str;
- ; amt-=prp;
- ; str="";
- ; str+=amt;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; amt1=s+str;
- ; if (fpv>(ntr+prp)){
- ; fpv=ntr+prp;
- ; }
- ; str="";
- ; str+=fpv;
- ; fmtIt();
- ; fpv1=s+str;
- ; str="";
- ; str+=(j+1)+".";
- ; ls+=b.substring(0,2)+str+b.substring(0,12-str.length)
- ; +fpv1+b.substring(0,14-fpv1.length)+ntr1
- ; +b.substring(0,14-ntr1.length)+prp1
- ; +b.substring(0,14-prp1.length)+amt1
- ; +rr;
- ; }
- ; document.isn.sched.value=ls+d+rr
- ; +" * Interest calculated at 1/12th of annual interest rate on"
- ; +rr+" the remaining principal amount. (Rounding errors "
- ; +"possible)"+rr+d+rr;
- ; }
- ;function fmtIt(){
- ; pos=str.indexOf(".");
- ; if (pos==0){
- ; str="0"+str;
- ; pos++;
- ; }
- ; if (pos<0){
- ; str+=".00";
- ; pos=str.indexOf(".");
- ; }
- ; str+="0000";
- ; str=str.substring(0,pos+4);
- ; cr=str.charAt(str.length-1);
- ; pos=ns.indexOf(cr);
- ; str=str.substring(0,str.length-1);
- ; if (pos>5){
- ; fmtIt1();
- ; }
- ; }
- ; function fmtIt1(){
- ; for (var k=str.length-1;k>-1;k--){
- ; cr=str.charAt(k);
- ; posn=ns.indexOf(cr);
- ; if (posn<0){
- ; k--;
- ; }
- ; else{
- ; str=str.substring(0,k)+ns.substring(posn+1,posn+2)
- ; +str.substring(k+1,str.length);
- ; if (posn!=9){
- ; k=-1;
- ; }
- ; }
- ; }
- ; }
- ;function alrt(){
- ; alert("You couldn't know. Months must be from"
- ; +" 1 to 999, Loan amount from 1 to "+pwr[9]
- ; +" and Interest from .001 to 99%");
- ;}
- ;//-->
- ;</script>
- ;<!-- Your Body Copy Here -->
- ;
- ;<form name="isn">
- ;<table width="486" border="0" summary="">
- ;<tr><td colspan="3" valign="top" align="center">
- ;<img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="486" border="0" alt="">
- ;<br><b>`Caption`</b></td>
- ;<tr><td align="center">
- ;<img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt="">
- ;<br>Number of Months of Loan
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt=""></td>
- ;<td align="center">
- ;<img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt="">
- ;<br>Simple Interest Rate
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt=""></td>
- ;<td align="center">
- ;<img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt="">
- ;<br>Total Amount of Loan<br>
- ;<img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt=""></td>
- ;</tr>
- ;<tr><td align="center">
- ;<input type="text" name="months" value="12" size="5">
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt=""></td>
- ;<td align="center">
- ;<input type="text" name="per" value="7.5" size="6">%
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0" alt=""></td>
- ;<td align="center">
- ;$<input type="text" value="1000" name="amt" size="25">
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="159" border="0"></td></tr>
- ;<tr>
- ;<td colspan="3" align="center">
- ;<input type="button"
- ;value="Click Here to Get Amortization Schedule" onClick="testIt(this.form)">
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="486" border="0">
- ;<br>After obtaining your amortization schedule in the
- ;window below, you must Mark (Control-a or Apple-a) the
- ;text, Copy (Control-c or Apple-c) and Paste it
- ;(Control-v or Apple-v) into a new word processing
- ;document on your system. It cannot be printed out
- ;from this screen.
- ;<br><img src="gr/a.gif" height="1" width="486" border="0">
- ;<br><textarea name="sched" rows="22" cols="70">
- ;</textarea></td></tr>
- ;</table><p>
- ;</form>
- [`Caption`]
- Kind=S
- Value=Amortization Schedule for Your Purchase